Come see us at the...

Pittsfield Farmers' Market
  • The market is open every Monday afternoon from 2-6pm.

  • Open all Summer and Fall, rain or shine.

  • Farmers' Market WIC - Senior Farm Shares - Bumper Crop all accepted.

  • Closed Memorial Day, Labor Day and Columbus Day Mondays.

  • Visit us on
    Open until Monday, October 28.

    … and open every Monday in between! (except holidays)

  • Visit the Pittsfield Farmers' Market under the maples at the corner of Hathorn Park in Pittsfield, Maine. GPS 44.775372,-69.390101. The market is located just one mile off I-95 exit 150, opposite the start of Rt 152 (Hartland Ave.) two blocks up Somerset Ave. from downtown Pittsfield. We set up across from the Church of the Nazarene. And remember, you make a difference each time you shop at a local farmer.

  • Subscribe to the Pittsfield Farmers' Market Newsletter..

Meet this year's members of the Pittsfield Farmers' Market.

Want to sell at the market?
Read the Market Rules and download a copy of the Market Rules and a Member Application there.

Maine Federation of Farmers' Markets

Buy Locally Grown             
              . . . right from the farmers!

Page created and maintained by

On the web since: 20-Apr-98. Last Updated: 16-Mar-17.
Market logo by Russ Cox of Pittsfield's Smiling Otis Studio