- Birds
- Some situations
revolving around birds resolve themselves with little fanfare. Some
of the common problems come in spring when Robins are attacking
themselves by running into your windows. The perceived "threat"
of another bird can quickly be remedied by the homeowner by covering
windows with cardboard for a week or two until the breeding season
is over. Woodpeckers causing damage to the house? Some simple scare
devices such as cd's hung on a string may be enough to send them
looking for trees. Even turkey problems are often a result of bird
feeders attracting the hungry birds, which technically is what they
are designed to do, feed the birds.
- Then there are the
birds that can become a real nuisance and must be dealt with. The
majority of all bird conflicts revolve around scare tactics and/or
site modification. Trapping for birds is rarely as effective as
discouragement. Some examples include:
- -Seagulls and pigeons
perching and leaving droppings and waste all over roof peaks, light
posts, business signs, walkways, and even on animals in agriculture
- -Starlings or Grackles
that have taken residence in your roof soffits or other entry point.
- -Fruit tree/crop
damage from feeding Crows, Starlings, Grackles, Turkeys or other
- If you are having a
problem with birds of any nature, call us today and we will work to
help you develop a way to manage the problem.
click photos to enlarge

Woodpecker damage to house.