Other Ways to Pay

Checkout methods we honor

When it comes to paying for your purchases at market, the market offers shoppers several options. Although paying with cash or check is always possible and widely appreciated, some of the other ways are listed here.

Some payment methods are market-wide, meaning they can be used at every market vendor, while others are available only at some vendors.

Market-wide checkout methods include:

Bumper Crop coupons.

These are $5 denomination coupons distributed by businesses and municipalities across the state, intended for use exclusively at Maine farmers’ markets. The Orange Bumper Crop coupons can only be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, while the Green Bumper Crop coupons can be used for any type of food sold at the market.

The Bumper Crop program is a promotional initiative run by the Maine Federation of Farmers’ Markets. This program ensures that vendors are reimbursed for all coupons redeemed, making it a win-win for both shoppers and farmers. By using these coupons, you’re supporting local agriculture and enjoying fresh, healthy food!

SNAP/EBT and Maine Harvest Bucks page.

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Vendor-by-vendor payment methods include:

Credit and Debit Cards.

Many market vendors will gladly swipe or tap your credit or debit card in payment. Some, however, do not provide this service, so if you don’t see a card logo at a stand, it’s best to ask “Do you take cards?

WIC and Farmers’ Market WIC.

Some market members are able to accept both Farmers’ Market WIC and regular WIC payments. To use eWIC at market, your regular WIC card is not used. Instead, you will need to display your bar code, either on a piece of paper you got from your WIC office, or by using the free Bnft app on your phone. Simply display the bar code when it comes time to pay and your purchases will be deducted from your WIC account. If your purchases are greater than your Farmers’ Market WIC balance, the difference can be deducted from your regular WIC produce allotment. Cash Value Benefit (CVB), the monthly fruit and vegetable benefit, can also be used at market.

(Hint: Log in to your Bnft app before you get to market. Then display your bar code and snapshot it on your phone. Your bar code is now in your Photos and is easy to display without using the BNFT app at market.)

Senior Farm Share.