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Maple Syrup

Every spring beginning in late February we begin tapping trees. We are currently tapping trees at a family members home in Stetson. From there we transport the sap back to our evaporator on the farm and process all the sap into liquid gold syrup. While our farm does have a large population of maples, many are either at the borderline recommended size for tapping, or just below. Given that our trails are constantly under construction, our trees on the farm do not allow for efficient tapping given the numbers of trees that are of sufficient size. We do have some rather large Red maples that are tapped and mixed in with the Sugar Maples from Stetson.

We use drop lines into buckets, and while it is more labor intensive, it can be dismantled and cleaned each season and put "out of sight, out of mind" for the rest of the year.

Our current evaporator is a home built set up designed from a steel tank as the firebox. Metal legs, pan brackets, and a roof frame were welded on. The evaporator surface area where the sap is actually boiled is roughly 2 feet by 6 feet, and consists of 5 stainless steel buffet pans. The inside of the firebox was built with racks and bricks to create an arch and travel way for the flames. A temporary set-up until our garage is built, the evaporator also has an old Toyota hood welded to the frame to give some separation from the smokestack and the sap being boiled. The roof is constructed of an old tonneau cover and some OSB panels, and has a built in area for steam to escape. As our trails develop, and our sugar bush continues to grow, we plan on moving the entire set up into a nice spot downhill of the Maples, next to the gurgle of Cove Brook, in a small cabin to be built.

Most people do not recognize the varying grades of Maple Syrup, and therefore do not have a preference in grade they get. It is our personal opinion, and almost everyone that we have met, that the darker grades of Maple Syrup produce the best tasting, Mapley syrup. The addition of red maples, longer boils times, and simple boiling procedures helps ensure that we are producing some of the highest quality, best tasting syrup available.

Our maple syrup will be available in season and throughout the year.

For maple syrup pricing, see our price list.
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owned and operated by
Randy & Aislinn Canarr
Located at: 142 Meadow Road, Winterport, Maine 04496
Mailing Address: PO Box 165, Hampden ME 04444
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Version: Sunday 03 February, 2013

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