Market Application in printable pdf format. New applicants will also need to download and read the Market Rules & By-Laws (previous two items) to understand how the market works and what is expected of market members.
Item Eligibility List. A work in progress of a document to define what the production criteria should be for food being sold at the market. A discussion about the purpose of this list can be found in the Item Eligibility Preamble.
Survey results from Orono Farmers' Market Survey, 1995, by UMaine. This survey was done when the market was just two years old, at a time there were few baked goods, meats or dairy items available. [pdf 653Kb]
Survey results from 2011 Orono Farmers' Market survey. Requests to take the survey were in the market newsletter and on our new Facebook page.
Crop Calendar. Shows when crops are in season. Also accessible from Orono Farmers' Market home page.
And see how the Saco Farmers' Market does a simlar thing here.