Bangor Motel 6 apple discoveries

—October, 2020

Two new seedling finds at a Motel 6 in Bangor. Both raised by crabs that were neglected. Extremely tangled base of red variety leaves me questioning how these things can survive. Flavor is pretty sweet, some water core and coddling moth damage but nothing that I wouldn’t appreciate as a homeowner/grower.

Yellow variety is splashed with red and probably is the shiniest apple that I have ever seen. Flavor is also sweet, few had insect damage. Bucket contains drops. This would make a small grower smile. “Discovered” by accident as I rerouted my route from what I thought was another political rally. I love serendipity, or maybe it’s elections?

The red one has a dry skin and a flavor/texture reminiscent of a Delicious. The splashy yellow one doesn’t share those features. I’m curious what canning industry varieties end up as rootstock material. While guerrilla grafting has it’s merits, guerrilla pruning might be an easier route to urban food security. I keep finding these, such is the state of “landscaping” in these parts.




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