
Fig Tree Care & Instructions . If you are interested in growing figs, you can check out this Pennsylvania nursery for cuttings of many varieties. Have a look at his video on starting figs from cuttings, as there may be a hint or two here for propagating other woody plants. Figs…

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Rooting Dormant Cuttings

Rooting Dormant Kiwi (or Grape, or Elderberry, etc) Cuttings —by MTCA member Jesse Stevens Use cuttings at least 2 nodes in length, oriented correctly so that the leaf scars face downward. Lightly score bottom node to expose cambium and increase rooting surface area-optional but recommended. Stick end of cutting 1.5–3″…

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Hicory Bark Syrup by Jesse Stevens, December 2019 I made hickory bark syrup this season for the first time, came out nicely with a lingering complex flavor. Used about ½ lb. of shagbark hickory bark per quart. Cleaned bark with a wire brush and washed with water, broke it into…

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