…and now for something completely different…
At dawn
Canoe bow waves are quickly lost
on the shoreside
But go on out of sight
on the lake side.
The constant swish-swish of skis
On a day long ski.
The constant swish-swish of wiper blades
On a day long drive.
My dog, trotting barefoot
Steps on a garden slug
And thinks
Nothing of it.
Word spreads quickly
as I approach the pond.
All becomes quiet.
Hidden in the vines
a large warted cucumber
jumps out of reach.
A toad!
Delicate puffs
of marshmallow snow
carefully perched
on a branch,
await the trigger of my hat
to melt their way down my back.
Deep in the tomato jungle
Fruits of yellow, purple and red
Tell of their readiness
To go to market.
Sugarin' Chores
Snowflakes hurry through my flashlight beam,
As my boots knead new snow with spring mud,
On my nightly Hajj to keep the boil alive,
For as long as possible until the dawn,
To match the power of the flowing sap,
With my meager evaporator and will.
The prize at the finish line are jars of syrup
And Spring.

What's New Here?
Recent additions to this website.
This page tries to help folks who visit this website occassionally and wonder what has been
added since their last visit. We will be recording here significant changes with the most recent changes at the
top of the list. Because of the seasonal nature of vegetable farming, most of the changes on this website occur
from November through April when we are less busy operating the farm and going to market.
- Added a page about our Paste Tomatoes, describing our varieties and the advantages of using paste tomatoes. Used an embedded Google doc for the content.
- Added a page about Planting Bulbils By Cluster, a new bulbil planting method we are trying out. Includes photo of the old and new planting methods.
- Added a page about our new Sugarhouse, a photo essay describing how over the past fifteen years we moved from a 12'x12' shack to our still under construction 22'x30' sugarhouse. Includes photos of the sugarhouse being built in late November.
- Added a link on the home page to a page about us at Mary Doyle's Unique Maine Farms website.
- Added a page about The Evolution of the Farm Table, a photo essay of how we developed the strong inexpensive tables we use here at the farm, including instructions of how to build your own.
- On the Classes and Workshops page, added a link to the outline of my talk to the Pittsfield Garden Forum. Also added some pics from that talk.
- On our home page, added links to other websites where we list our farm and to various videos we appear in.
- Added a page about Prepping Veggies for market, covering details from selecting the right harvest time and tools to what containers to use at market.
- Added a page listing outlines of the various classes we've given for groups on gardening subjects.
- Added Barn Two information to the Our Outbuildings page.
- Made some additions to the Crop Rotations page explaining that we sometimes rotate whole rotation groups to different fields.
- Added a link to our Newsletter Archive.
- Added a page about our On Farm Building Techniques using recycled and locally havested materials. This is an ongoing project and will be completed soon.
- Added three spring photos of emerging garlic to the Planting Garlic page.
- Made some additions to the Crop Rotations page explaining what veggies are in what rotation groups.
- Changed the menu to a simpler, but longer, format. Added an "UP" arrow to the bottom of each page next to the page version. Made the
Snakeroot logo above the menu be the "top" of each page.
- Updated the Apprentices Page after Jack & Coco left.
- Added a Just Pretty Page with some pretty pics taken here at the farm.
- Added our new brochures in PDF format for Celery & Celeriac, Sunchokes, and New England Long Pie Pumpkin.
- Added pics to the Dealing with Low Pressure Water page.
- Made an Outbuildings page for the Outdoor Potting Shed, Barn, Vegetable Washing Area and Shelf Greenhouse.
- Updated our History Page to date.
- Added a page about Working Here describing working here for hourly wage, as a summer intern or as an apprentice.
- Updated the Fresh Herbs page with more photos and captions.
- Added a page about how we combat witchgrass with
- Rearranged the menu items formerly under "Information and Education" into two
new categories: "Food & Farming info" and "Opinions & Ideas". Also
arranged most of the sub-topics sort of alphabetically.
- Redesigned the home page, putting "where we buy" and "where we sell" on there own pages so the home page will load faster.
- Converted entire website from frames to shtml, so that the actual name of every page will appear in the address field of the browser.
- Added a story of our cooler page, explaining how we built and how we use our cooler.
- Added a downloadable CSA brochure in pdf format to the CSA page.
- Updated the Seeds page and added a printable order form.
- Added a separate Seeds page link to the menu. Previously it was just under Garlic and Tomatoes, but now it has its own
link also.
- Added an Open Source page urging viewers to use Firefox, Thunderbird and
Open Office.
- Added GPS cordinates to the home page and the Directions page.
- Uploaded several image files that were needed for the new home page image links.
- Replaced the long list of links on the left with a new menu from OpenCube which holds many more links than previously.
- Added logos to the home page for the all farmers' markets we
attend, and added who from the farm attends each market.
- Added logos of our suppliers and updated the suppliers list.
26 November 2007
- Added a Drip Irrigation page, a photo essay about our drip irrigation systems
using both high pressure well water and low pressure gravity fed water.
22 November 2007
5 October 2007
30 March 2007
- Added a page dedicated to Our Apprentices, with descriptions in their own words.
- Added Newport Farmers' Market on the home page to the list of markets we attend.
29 March 2007
- Added this What's New Here? page so folks can quickly focus on items that have been recently added.
November 2007
- Added separate pages with pictures for our Vegetables, Herbs, and Perennials. We still have to take more photos of some of these items, so not all pictures
appear yet.
- Added some photos from 2006 of Our Farm Workers, but we didn't get everyone's photo who worked here. Maybe next year we'll do